Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our Trip to Las Vegas

OK I need to go back and tell you guys what a crazy idea Holly and I had!! You all know that Derrick and I went to New York, well our plane arrived home around 11:00 pm and we got home at 11:30 and Holly and me and all the kids decided to go to Vegas. At 12 midnight we left and drove straight through.We arrived at our parents house around 6 :30 - 7 the next night. CRAZY but we had a lot of fun. We stayed there for 8 days and the saddest thing was that our family went to the Montana cabin 5 days after we got there, we knew about it though, but we were sad to see them go but happy also. We know how much fun they were going to have. Skiing, jet skiing, fishing,tubing, you know all the fun stuff you do when you are at the cabin you grew up with and remembering everything. Fun times. I really do miss living near the whole family. Don't get me wrong I loved living near Holly and Scot, and Melly and her boys in Kentucky, but it is different when the whole family gets together and laugh over old times. Anyway not to make things depressing, but Yes I miss family.

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